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91 Anzeigen zu IoT Dresden warten auf Sie.

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Weitere Stellenangebote für diese Suchanfrage auf, die Community für Betriebswirtschaft, Beratung, Vertrieb

99 Stellenangebote auf

Weitere Stellenangebote für diese Suchanfrage auf, die Community für IT, Software und Informatikunternehmen

28 Stellenangebote auf

Weitere Stellenangebote für diese Suchanfrage auf, die Community für Maschinenbau, Mechatronik und Elektrotechnik, sowie Physik und Chemie-Unternehmen

91 Stellenanzeigen für IoT und Dresden gefunden in Heidenau im Umkreis von km. Außerdem gibt es 2 Stellenanzeigen in anderen Ländern.
Außerhalb Deutschland suchen

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter “Digitales Hardware-Design” (m/w/d)


Das Barkhausen Institut ist das deutsche IoT-Institut mit Sitz in Dresden. Wir forschen an hochmodernen vernetzten Technologien und zeigen deren Anwendung in der Gesellschaft von morgen. Mit einer flachen Hierarchie und einem lebendigen Team bieten ... Multiprozessorsystem (MPSoC), das für Anwendungen des IoT angewendet werden soll.   Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir einen   Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Digitales Hardware-Design” (m/w/d),   der unsere Forschungsvorhaben kreativ
IoT Hardware Software security designer Webdesign Informatiker Webdesigner C/C++ Verilog
Dresden30 Urlaubstage

Group Leader “Scalable Computing Hardware” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities, apartment etc.).   Application Procedure Your application should include: motivation letter, CV, copy of university degree and PhD certificate, short summary of doctoral thesis, and list
IoT 5G embedded Software security Softwareentwicklung Anwendungsentwicklung Hardware Programmierung Datenschutz
FührungskraftDresden (Hybrid)

Deputy Group Leader “Wireless Connectivity” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... needs into account.  We also offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities, apartment etc.).   Application Procedure Your application should include: motivation letter explaining your decision to apply at the institute, CV
IoT Deputy group leader Physik Elektrotechniker PhD Diploma Englisch 5G 6G Wireless
FührungskraftDresden (Hybrid) 30 Urlaubstage

Insides Sales (m/w/d) Digitalization


Die mit den Me­ga­trends In­dus­trie 4.0 und IoT in den Ma­schi­nen- und An­la­gen­bau ein­zie­hen­de Di­gi­ta­li­sie­rung stellt Un­ter­neh­men vor neue Her­aus­for­de­run­gen. Ge­mein­sam mit Dir ste­hen wir als Team mit un­se­rer Er­fah­rung für
IoT Software Unternehmenskommunikation Kommunikation Redakteur Verkauf texter CRM Automatisierung .Net Industrie 4.0

Research Associate "IT Security with focus on 5G/6G and Standardization" (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... range of recognised family-friendly measures, such as part-time work, mobile working and flexible working hours that take family needs into account.  We also offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities, apartment etc.) Application
IoT Software-Support Systemingenieur Hardware Datenschutz BI Container-Virtualisierung servicemanagement Container 5G
Dresden (Hybrid)

Research Associate / PhD Student “IT-Security & Privacy” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... will be remunerated in line with TV-L E-13. The position aims at supporting further academic qualification (e.g. PhD).   Your responsibilities will include IT-security & privacy research with a special focus on the domain of IoT
IoT IT-Security Support Systemingenieur Hardware Datenschutz BI Container-Virtualisierung SaaS servicemanagement
Dresden (Hybrid) Flexible Arbeitszeiten

Research Associate “Formal Verification” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... electronics and secure communication methods. The Composable Operating Systems group at Barkhausen Institut is developing Compiler, Operating System and Hardware technologies for a trusted IoT world. To secure this trust, we are building a team to
IoT IoT demonstrators Formal verification Software security Softwareentwicklung Support Anwendungsentwicklung Laravel Systemingenieur
Dresden (Hybrid)

Senior Solution Architect


Senior Solution Architect Full Time Hybrid Cottaer Str. 4, 01159 Dresden, Deutschland With Professional Experience 10/16/24 Your role As a Senior Solution Architect in our ... following fields: IoT, Digital Twin, Integrated Hardware & Software Solutions, Industrial, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Platform Design & Operations Proficiency with agile software development methods Good command of English (at
IoT Vollzeit Software security test Designer Softwaretester AI Feste Anstellung Computer Software
Dresden (Hybrid)

Associate Group Leader “Secure and Privacy-Respecting Data Processing” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... at our institute. We offer a range of recognised family-friendly measures, such as part-time work, mobile working and flexible working hours that take family needs into account.  We also offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities
IoT electrical engineering good english skills PhD manager Englisch Elektrotechnik Halbleiter Elektroniker PCB
Dresden (Hybrid) 30 Urlaubstage

Research Associate “Digital Hardware Design” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... electronics and secure communication methods. The group Scalable Computing Hardware is developing a secure and dependable multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) to establish a hardware platform for applications in the area of the IoT.   At the
IoT Hardware C/C++ Python Verilog Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering Software programming publications
Dresden30 Urlaubstage

Software Developer C# (m/w/d) im Bereich Manufacturing Automation


Die mit den Megatrends Industrie 4.0 und IoT in den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau einziehende Digitalisierung stellt Unternehmen vor neue Herausforderungen im Umgang mit modernen Anlagensteuerungen, vernetzten Daten, Cloud-basierten Softwareplattformen ... Halbleiterindustrie, Automobilzulieferbranche, Pharmaindustrie sowie dem Anlagenbau und unter Nutzung aktueller Softwaretechnologien die Visionen von Industrie 4.0 und IoT in Lösungen um In dieser wichtigen Rolle begleitest Du vor allem den kompletten
IoT IT AIS Maschinensteuerung Anlagensteuerung MES ERP Digitalisierung Backend Datenbanken

Software Developer C# Standort Jena (m/w/d) im Bereich Equipment Control


Die mit den Megatrends Industrie 4.0 und IoT in den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau einziehende Digitalisierung stellt Unternehmen vor neue Herausforderungen im Umgang mit modernen Anlagensteuerungen, vernetzten Daten, Cloud-basierten Softwareplattformen ... und standardisierten Schnittstellen. Gemeinsam mit Dir und mit Unterstützung unserer Teams in Dresden, wollen wir ein neues Team in Jena aufbauen. Ergreif die Chance von Beginn an dabei zu sein und dein neues Aufgabengebiet und Team
IoT C++ Industrie Maschinensteuerung Anlagensteuerung TIA-Portal Siemens C/C++ Informatiker C#
Dresden (Hybrid)

Senior Software Architekt Python, C++ (m/w/d)


Senior Software Architekt (m/w/d) Vollzeit Hybrid Cottaer Str. 4, 01159 Dresden, Deutschland Mit Berufserfahrung 10/16/24 Deine Rolle Als Senior Software Architect mit Python ... Projekterfahrung mit der Integration von Industrie-X.0-Lösungen Erfahrung als technischer Architekt in einem oder mehreren der folgenden Bereiche: IoT, Digitaler Zwilling, Integrierte Hardware- & Softwarelösungen, Industrie-, Maschinenbau- &
IoT Vollzeit Software Test Designer Softwaretester AI Feste Anstellung Computer Software Englisch
Dresden (Hybrid)

Research Associate “Programming Language/Compiler Technology” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow’s society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... components Development of use cases and IoT demonstrators Participation in writing research publications and project deliverables Engagement in Science Communication: In cooperation with our OpenLab team, you will participate in activities
IoT 5G Englisch Sicherheit Software security Softwareentwicklung Support Anwendungsentwicklung Laravel
Dresden (Hybrid)

Research Associate “Digital Hardware Design” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... electronics and secure communication methods. The group Scalable Computing Hardware is developing a secure and dependable multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) to establish a hardware platform for applications in the area of the IoT.   At the
IoT Hardware C/C++ Python Verilog Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering Software programming publications Englisch
Dresden30 Urlaubstage

Software-Defined-Radio and Testbed Engineer (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... electronics and secure communication methods.   The Connected Robotics Lab merges the results of our research and strives to build compelling demos and visualizations. We aim at showcasing 5G and IoT technologies in realistic real-world
IoT electrical engineering software development robotics software engineering digital signal processing c++ python linux BI
Dresden (Hybrid)

(Senior-) Software-Developer für den Fachbereich Messwesen und IoT Energiewirtschaft (m/w/d)


Stellenbeschreibung Als Softwareentwickler im Bereich Messwesen nutzt du deine fundierten Kenntnisse, um in einem agilen Team die Entwicklung von modernen Softwarekomponenten und Services im Bereich IoT voranzubringen. Du entwickelst ... Server-Anwendungen und Microservices in enger Zusammenarbeit mit internen und externen Partnern. Anspruchsvolle Entwicklungsaufgaben realisierst du mit einem hohen Grad an Selbstständigkeit, analytischem Denkvermögen und Qualitätsbewusstsein. Standort:Dresden
IoT Softwareentwicklung Hardware Programmierer TypeScript database Datenbanken NoSQL Spring Entwicklung

Sales und Channel Manager (m/w/d) IoT


Die Megatrends Digitalisierung und IoT stellen im Speziellen den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Allgemein alle Hersteller von Connected Devices vor neue Herausforderungen im Umgang mit Software, Hardware und Cyber Security. Gemeinsam mit Dir stehen wir ... als Team mit unserer Erfahrung für eine Lösung aus Softwarelösungen der Kontron AIS und Hardwareprodukten der Kontron-Gruppe DEINE AUFGABEN Berate industrielle Kunden aus den Bereichen Maschinen- und Anlagen- bzw. Gerätebau zu den Themen IoT
IoT Software Maschine B2B marketing Verwaltung consultant Beratung Analyst Automatisierung

Software-Defined-Radio and Testbed Engineer (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... electronics and secure communication methods.   The Connected Robotics Lab merges the results of our research and strives to build compelling demos and visualizations. We aim at showcasing 5G and IoT technologies in realistic real-world
IoT electrical engineering software development robotics software engineering digital signal processing c++ python linux BI
Dresden (Hybrid) 30 Urlaubstage

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter “Digitales Hardware-Design” (m/w/d)


Das Barkhausen Institut ist das deutsche IoT-Institut mit Sitz in Dresden. Wir forschen an hochmodernen vernetzten Technologien und zeigen deren Anwendung in der Gesellschaft von morgen. Mit einer flachen Hierarchie und einem lebendigen Team bieten ... Multiprozessorsystem (MPSoC), das für Anwendungen des IoT angewendet werden soll.   Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir einen   Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Digitales Hardware-Design” (m/w/d),   der unsere Forschungsvorhaben kreativ
IoT Hardware Photovoltaik Halbleiter PCB Gebäudetechnik Elektriker FPGA Semiconductor Simulation
Dresden30 Urlaubstage

Research Group Leader “Wireless Connectivity” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... working hours that take family needs into account.  We also offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities, apartment etc.).   Application Procedure Your application should include: motivation letter explaining your decision
IoT electrical engineering manager Halbleiter Elektroniker PCB Messtechnik FPGA Semiconductor Hardware
Dresden (Hybrid)

Deputy Group Leader “Wireless Connectivity” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... needs into account.  We also offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities, apartment etc.).   Application Procedure Your application should include: motivation letter explaining your decision to apply at the institute, CV
IoT Deputy group leader Physik Elektrotechniker PhD Diploma Englisch Sicherheit Software security
FührungskraftDresden (Hybrid)

Software Developer Oracle Apex (m/w/d) für Web-Applikationen


verändern und somit aktiv die Digitalisierung der Industrie voranzutreiben. Unterstütze uns in dem Ziel, den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau auf ein nächstes Level zu heben, weil wir wissen, dass es besser geht. In Zeiten der Megatrends Industrie 4.0 und IOT
IoT C# Cloud Software Entwickler Developer Automatisierung Programmierung Code .Net

Software Developer C# (m/w/d) im Bereich Equipment Integration


Die mit den Megatrends Industrie 4.0 und IoT in den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau einziehende Digitalisierung stellt Unternehmen vor neue Herausforderungen im Umgang mit modernen Anlagensteuerungen, vernetzten Daten, Cloud-basierten Softwareplattformen ... Halbleiterindustrie, Automobilzulieferbranche, Pharmaindustrie sowie dem Anlagenbau und unter Nutzung aktueller Softwaretechnologien die Visionen von Industrie 4.0 und IoT in Lösungen um In dieser wichtigen Rolle begleitest Du vor allem den kompletten
IoT C# Maschinensteuerung Anlagensteuerung MES ERP frontend Digitalisierung Datenbank Software

Research Associate “Processor Design” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... recognised family-friendly measures, such as part-time work, mobile working and flexible working hours that take family needs into account.  We also offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities, apartment etc.).   Application
IoT electrical engineering Halbleiter Elektroniker Chemiker PCB Messtechnik FPGA Semiconductor chemistry
Dresden (Hybrid)

Research Associate “Trusted Execution Environments” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow’s society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... platforms: Design and implementation of system-level software for trusted execution Interaction with hardware design regarding attestation and root-of-trust System design using microkernel principles Development of use cases and IoT demonstrators
IoT 5G Sicherheit Software security Softwareentwicklung Support Anwendungsentwicklung Laravel Systemingenieur
Dresden (Hybrid)

Software Developer Backend (m/w/d) im Bereich Equipment Control


maßgeschneiderter industrieller Software - Lösungen zu sein. Erwecke Maschinen und Produktionsanlagen zum Leben und lasse die Industrie 4.0 und das IoT Wirklichkeit werden.  DEINE AUFGABEN Du entwickelst moderne Softwarelösungen mit höchsten
IoT C# Maschinensteuerung Anlagensteuerung MES ERP frontend Sicherheit security Grafikdesign

Research Associate: Joint Communications and Radar Sensing (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... electronics and secure communication methods. The Wireless Connectivity group is developing a secure and dependable architecture for the Internet of Things (IoT) using Joint Communications and Radar Sensing.   At the earliest possible date, we
IoT Hardware Softwareentwicklung designer Anwendungsentwicklung Webdesign Webdesigner Support Python Wireless
Dresden (Hybrid)

Group Leader “Scalable Computing Hardware” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institut performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities, apartment etc.).   Application Procedure Your application should include: motivation letter, CV, copy of university degree and PhD certificate, short summary of doctoral thesis, and list
IoT 5G Scalable Computing Hardware Hardware design processor architectures embedded programming 3rd party funds project management scientific leadership
FührungskraftDresden (Hybrid)

Postdoc “Trusted Technology” (m/f/d)


The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable ... flexible working hours that take family needs into account.  We also offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities, apartment etc.).   Application Procedure Your application should include: motivation letter, CV, copy of
IoT funding Elektroniker PCB Messtechnik FPGA Semiconductor Hardware Electronics Elektronik
Dresden (Hybrid) 30 Urlaubstage
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